A Complete Guide to Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC)

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May 14, 2024

If you're looking for a reliable and efficient way to resolve disputes in Beijing, the Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC) is an excellent option. Established in 1995, the BAC is a permanent arbitration body that settles contractual and property-related disputes among equal parties, including natural persons, legal persons, and other organizations. The BAC is also known as the Beijing International Arbitration Center and is registered in Beijing, China.

The BAC is an independent non-profit organization that offers services in arbitration, mediation, and other dispute resolution mechanisms. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties, making it a trusted and efficient way to resolve disputes. The BAC is devoted to providing a forum for impartial and efficient alternative dispute resolution, including arbitration and mediation.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at the Beijing Arbitration Commission, its role in dispute resolution, and how it operates. We'll also explore the arbitration rules, the laws governing the BAC, and other important information about this permanent arbitration body. Whether you're a business owner, legal professional, or individual looking to resolve a dispute, this article will provide you with valuable insights into the BAC and how it can help you.

What is the Beijing Arbitration Commission?

If you are looking for an alternative to court litigation for resolving contractual and property-related disputes in Beijing, you might consider the Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC). In this section, we will provide an overview of the BAC, including its history, structure, governance, roles, and responsibilities.

History and Development

The BAC was established on September 28, 1995, following the passage of the Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China. It is a permanent arbitration body that provides impartial and efficient alternative dispute resolution services, including arbitration and mediation, to natural persons, legal persons, and other organizations.

The BAC is headquartered in the China Merchants Tower in the Chaoyang District of Beijing. It has a Secretariat that manages its day-to-day operations and is headed by a Secretary General. The BAC also has a Committee, which is responsible for its overall governance and strategic direction. The Committee is chaired by a Chair, who is elected from among its members.

Structure and Governance

The BAC is an independent, non-profit organization that is not affiliated with the Chinese government. It is registered in Beijing and has its legal personality. The BAC's governance structure includes a Chair, a Secretary General, a Committee, and a Secretariat.

The Committee is the highest decision-making body of the BAC and is responsible for its overall governance and strategic direction. It is composed of 35 members, including legal experts, scholars, and business leaders. The Chair of the Committee is elected from among its members and serves a term of five years.

The Secretariat is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the BAC and is headed by a Secretary General. The Secretariat is composed of arbitration professionals who are responsible for managing the arbitration process and providing administrative support to parties involved in disputes.

Roles and Responsibilities

The BAC's primary role is to provide alternative dispute resolution services to parties involved in contractual and property-related disputes. It does this by providing arbitration and mediation services that are impartial, efficient, and cost-effective.

The BAC's arbitration process is governed by its Arbitration Rules, which provide a framework for the conduct of arbitration proceedings. The BAC's mediation process is governed by its Mediation Rules, which provide a framework for the conduct of mediation proceedings.

In addition to its dispute resolution services, the BAC also provides training and education programs on arbitration and mediation to legal professionals, business leaders, and other stakeholders. The BAC also conducts research and publishes reports on arbitration and mediation in China and around the world.

Services Offered by the Beijing Arbitration Commission

Services Offered by the Beijing Arbitration Commission

The Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC) is a permanent arbitration body that provides impartial and efficient alternative dispute resolution services. The BAC offers a range of services, including arbitration, mediation, and advisory services. In this section, we will detail the various services provided by the BAC.

Constitution and Laws

The BAC is a not-for-profit organization established under the Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China. The BAC operates by its constitution, which outlines the organization's structure and procedures. The BAC's constitution is available on its website for interested parties to review.

Arbitration Rules and Procedures

The BAC offers arbitration services for contractual and property-related disputes between natural persons, legal persons, and other organizations. The BAC's arbitration rules and procedures are designed to be impartial, efficient, and transparent. Parties can choose to use the BAC's standard arbitration rules or tailor the rules to their specific needs. The BAC's arbitration rules and procedures are available on its website.

International and Domestic Regulations

The BAC is recognized internationally as a leading arbitration institution. The BAC is a member of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and has adopted the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. The BAC is also a signatory to the 1958 New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards. The BAC's international and domestic regulations are available on its website.

Arbitration Procedures at the Beijing Arbitration Commission

Arbitration Procedures at the Beijing Arbitration Commission

At the Beijing Arbitration Commission, arbitration proceedings are conducted in a fair, impartial, and efficient manner. Here are the steps involved in the arbitration process:

Initiation of Arbitration

You can initiate arbitration proceedings at the Beijing Arbitration Commission by submitting a written request for arbitration. The request should include the following information:

  • The names and addresses of the parties involved in the dispute
  • A brief description of the dispute
  • The relief sought
  • The amount in dispute
  • Any relevant documents or evidence

Once the request is received, a case manager will be assigned to your case. The case manager will assist you throughout the arbitration process and will be your main point of contact.

Appointment of Arbitrators

The Beijing Arbitration Commission has a panel of experienced arbitrators who are appointed based on their expertise in the relevant field. The parties can either agree on a sole arbitrator or a panel of three arbitrators.

If the parties cannot agree on the appointment of arbitrators, the Beijing Arbitration Commission will appoint the arbitrators on their behalf.

Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings

The arbitration proceedings are conducted by the Beijing Arbitration Commission Arbitration Rules. The parties are allowed to present their case and submit evidence. The proceedings are conducted in private, and the arbitrators have the power to make procedural orders and issue interim measures.

The parties can also choose to mediate their dispute at any stage of the arbitration proceedings. If the mediation is successful, the parties can settle the dispute and terminate the arbitration proceedings.

Arbitral Award

Once the hearing is concluded, the arbitral tribunal will issue an arbitral award. The arbitral award is final and binding on the parties. The parties are required to comply with the arbitral award, and it can be enforced by the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards.

The Beijing Arbitration Commission also has an emergency arbitrator procedure for urgent cases. The emergency arbitrator can issue interim measures before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal.

The Beijing Arbitration Commission has state-of-the-art hearing rooms that are equipped with the latest technology to ensure that arbitration proceedings are conducted efficiently and effectively.

Benefits of Choosing the Beijing Arbitration Commission

Benefits of Choosing the Beijing Arbitration Commission

When it comes to resolving disputes, choosing the right arbitration institution is crucial. The Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC) is a not-for-profit permanent organization that provides impartial and efficient alternative dispute resolution services such as arbitration and mediation. Here are some benefits of choosing BAC for your dispute resolution needs:

1. Expertise

BAC has a team of experienced arbitrators who are well-versed in the laws and regulations of China. They are knowledgeable in various fields such as international trade, finance, and intellectual property. BAC also has a panel of foreign arbitrators who are experts in different legal systems and languages. This ensures that your case is handled by a qualified arbitrator who understands the nuances of your dispute.

2. Efficiency

BAC is committed to resolving disputes in a timely and cost-effective manner. The institution has streamlined procedures that are designed to expedite the arbitration process. BAC also utilizes technology to improve efficiency, such as electronic filing and videoconferencing. This means that you can resolve your dispute quickly and without incurring unnecessary expenses.

3. Neutrality

BAC is a neutral institution that is not affiliated with any particular industry or interest group. This means that your case will be handled objectively and impartially. BAC also ensures that the arbitrator assigned to your case has no conflicts of interest. This ensures that the arbitrator's decision is based solely on the facts and evidence presented, and not influenced by any external factors.

4. Enforceability of Awards

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing an arbitration institution is the enforceability of the award. BAC awards are recognized and enforceable in over 150 countries, including China and the United States. This means that you can have confidence that your award will be enforced if the other party fails to comply with the decision.

Financial and Administrative Aspects

When it comes to arbitration, financial and administrative aspects are crucial factors to consider. In this section, we will discuss how the Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC) handles these aspects.

1. Arbitration Fees and Costs

The BAC is a self-funded arbitration institution, which means that it does not receive any government funding. As a result, it relies on arbitration fees to cover its operational costs. The BAC's fee schedule is transparent and publicly available, which allows parties to estimate the costs of arbitration. The BAC's fees are competitive and reasonable compared to other international arbitration institutions.

2. Financial Transparency

The BAC is committed to maintaining financial transparency. It publishes an annual report that provides detailed information on its financial performance. The report includes information on the BAC's revenue, expenses, and caseload. The BAC's financial statements are audited by an independent accounting firm, which ensures that they are accurate and reliable.

3. Operational Efficiency

Efficiency is a top priority for the BAC. The BAC's rules and procedures are designed to ensure that arbitration proceedings are conducted efficiently. The BAC's caseload has been increasing steadily over the years, and it has been able to handle the increased workload without sacrificing efficiency. The BAC's hourly rate is competitive and reasonable, which ensures that parties receive value for their money.

International Relations and Global Standards

BAC is committed to promoting international cooperation and adhering to global arbitration practices. This section will explore BAC's collaborations and partnerships, participation in international events, and adherence to global arbitration practices.

1. Collaborations and Partnerships

BAC has established partnerships with various international arbitration institutions, including the Singapore International Arbitration Centre and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). BAC has also signed cooperation agreements with arbitration institutions in countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Russia. These partnerships enable BAC to provide its clients with access to a wider range of arbitration services and expertise.

2. Participation in International Events

BAC actively participates in international arbitration events, including the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) Conference and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Working Group II. BAC also hosts its events, such as the Beijing Arbitration Week, which brings together legal professionals from around the world to discuss developments in arbitration.

3. Adherence to Global Arbitration Practices

BAC adheres to global arbitration practices, including the UNCITRAL Model Law and the ICC Rules of Arbitration. BAC's arbitrators are selected based on their expertise and experience in international arbitration, and the institution provides training and support to ensure that its arbitrators are up-to-date with the latest developments in arbitration.

BAC has successfully handled numerous international cases, and its reputation as a reliable and impartial arbitration institution has been recognized by the international arbitration community. BAC's commitment to promoting international cooperation and adhering to global arbitration practices has made it a leading arbitration institution in Asia.

How to File a Case with the Beijing Arbitration Commission

If you are considering filing a case with the Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC), it is important to understand the process and requirements. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to file a case with BAC:

  1. Determine if BAC is the right forum for your dispute. BAC handles various types of disputes, including commercial, investment, and labor disputes. Make sure your dispute falls within the scope of BAC's jurisdiction before proceeding.

  2. Prepare the necessary documents. You will need to prepare a written request for arbitration, which should include a description of the dispute, the relief sought, and any supporting documents. BAC provides a sample request form on their website, which you can use as a reference.

  3. Submit the request for arbitration. You can submit the request for arbitration in person or by mail. If you choose to submit it in person, you can do so at BAC's office in Beijing. If you choose to submit it by mail, you should send it to BAC's mailing address.

  4. Pay the filing fee. BAC charges a filing fee based on the amount in dispute. The fee schedule is available on their website. You can pay the fee by bank transfer or in person at BAC's office.

  5. Wait for BAC to appoint an arbitrator. Once BAC receives your request for arbitration and filing fee, they will appoint an arbitrator or a panel of arbitrators to hear your case. The arbitrator(s) will be selected based on their expertise and experience in the relevant area of law.

  6. Participate in the arbitration proceedings. Once the arbitrator(s) are appointed, they will set a hearing date and provide instructions on how to participate in the proceedings. You will have an opportunity to present your case and evidence, and to respond to the other party's arguments.

  7. Receive the arbitral award. After the hearing, the arbitrator(s) will issue an arbitral award, which is final and binding on both parties. The award will include a summary of the facts, the legal reasoning, and the relief granted.

If you have any questions or need assistance with filing a case with BAC, you can contact their case management department at +86-10-65296688 or by email at case@bjac.org.cn.


In summary, the Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC) is a not-for-profit permanent organization that provides impartial and efficient alternative dispute resolution services, including arbitration and mediation. The BAC was established in 1995 following the passage of the Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China. Since then, it has become a leading institution for dispute resolution in China and beyond.

One of the key strengths of the BAC is its commitment to providing a fair and efficient process for resolving disputes. The BAC has a team of experienced arbitrators and mediators who are trained to handle a wide range of disputes, including those involving cross-border transactions. The BAC also has a set of arbitration rules that are designed to ensure a transparent and efficient process.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the model clause of the Beijing Arbitration Commission?

The Beijing Arbitration Commission provides a model arbitration clause that can be used in contracts to specify that any disputes arising from the contract will be resolved through arbitration. The model clause can be adapted to suit the specific needs of the parties involved, and it is recommended that legal advice is sought when drafting arbitration clauses.

What is the arbitration act in China?

The arbitration act in China is the Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China. It sets out the legal framework for arbitration in China and guides the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards. The law applies to both domestic and international arbitration conducted in China.

What is arbitration commission?

An arbitration commission is an organization that provides arbitration services to parties involved in a dispute. The Beijing Arbitration Commission is one such organization, and it offers a range of alternative dispute resolution services, including arbitration and mediation.

What is the dispute resolution process in China?

In China, the dispute resolution process typically involves negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. Negotiation and mediation are often used as a first step to try and resolve disputes before they escalate to arbitration. If mediation is unsuccessful, the parties may choose to submit the dispute to arbitration.

What is the model arbitration clause in Shanghai?

The Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (SHIAC) provides a model arbitration clause that can be used in contracts to specify that any disputes arising from the contract will be resolved through arbitration. The model clause can be adapted to suit the specific needs of the parties involved, and it is recommended that legal advice is sought when drafting arbitration clauses.

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