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What is the Average Salary in China: A Guide to Current Trends and Statistics

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If you are considering moving to China or working for a Chinese company, you may be curious about the average salary in China. The average salary in China varies depending on several factors, including location, industry, and education level.

According to recent data, the average annual salary in China is around 353,000 CNY yearly, which is equivalent to approximately $48,808.82. However, this number can vary greatly depending on where you live and work. For example, the average salary in Beijing is higher than the national average, while salaries in rural areas tend to be lower.

This article takes a clear look at what people are earning across different regions and job sectors in China today. We'll give you the latest figures on the average salary, explain what's behind the changes, and show how it compares across various industries. 

If you're thinking about working in China, doing business there, or just interested in economic trends, this is information you'll want to know. 

Read on to get the real scoop on salaries in China in 2024.

What Is the Average Salary in China?

The typical income in China is influenced by several factors, including the area, the type of industry, and the specific job role. There's also a notable difference in earnings between various cities and provinces. Urban centers such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenzhen, and Hangzhou are known for providing higher salaries compared to other parts of the country.

In China, as of 2024, the average monthly wage stands at 29,300 Yuan, which converts to approximately 4,214 US dollars per month, based on the exchange rates at that time, as reported by https://www.salaryexplorer.com.

1. Salary Range and Starting Salary in China

In China, salaries start at 7,410 CNY and can go up to an average maximum of 131,000 CNY, though the actual highest salaries may be higher. 

This figure isn't the legal minimum wage but the lowest salary reported in a comprehensive survey with thousands of participants from various professions across the country.

2. Minimum Wage

The minimum wage in China varies depending on the region. The government regulations state that the provincial minimum wage should be set between 40% and 60% of the actual average wage. In some regions, the minimum wage is higher than this, while in others, it is lower. As of 2024, the minimum wage in China ranges from 2,330 Yuan per month (USD 335) to 4,800 Yuan per month (USD 690).

The latest data on the average salary in urban vs. rural areas reveals that the average salary in urban areas is higher than in rural areas. A comparison of average salaries across major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen shows that the average salary is higher in these cities than in other regions.

2. Median Salary in China

The median salary in China is pegged at 26,900 CNY, indicating that half of the people earn below this amount, while the other half sees higher earnings. 

This median figure is the central point of the wage scale, splitting the income distribution into two halves. Ideally, aiming to be among the group that earns above the median salary is advantageous, as it places you in the higher-earning bracket of the population.

3. Average Annual Salary

The average annual salary in China is around 353,000 CNY yearly, which is equivalent to approximately $48,808.82. However, this amount can vary depending on the industry and job position. 

For example, the average annual salary for a software engineer in Beijing is around 20,000 USD, while the average annual salary for a factory worker in a rural area is around 5,000 USD.

China Salaries in Cities 

Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangdong are some of the most prosperous regions in China and are known for their high salaries. 

According to recent data, Beijing has the highest average salary at RMB 166,800 per year, while Shanghai is not far behind at RMB 138,800 per year. Guangdong is also a prosperous region, with an average salary of RMB 97,800 per year.

Other major cities in China, such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shandong, also have relatively high salaries. These regions are known for their strong economies and are home to many successful businesses.

Top 15 Cities in China With Highest PayVAT Rate
Chongqing34,100 CNY
Beijing33,700 CNY
Wuhan33,700 CNY
Hangzhou32,700 CNY
Jinan32,700 CNY
Guangzhou32,500 CNY
Xi an32,200 CNY
Shanghai31,800 CNY
Harbin31,300 CNY
Tianjin30,900 CNY
Chengdu30,800 CNY
Shenyang30,400 CNY
Qingdao30,300 CNY
Nanjing29,400 CNY
Shenzhen29,100 CNY

Data Statics from: https://www.salaryexplorer.com/

Disparities Between Urban and Rural Areas

It's important to note that there are significant disparities between salaries in urban and rural areas of China. Urban areas tend to have higher salaries due to the concentration of businesses and industries. In contrast, rural areas often have lower salaries due to a lack of job opportunities and lower cost of living.

Central China is one of the regions where this disparity is most evident. While the region has a relatively high average salary of RMB 77,100 per year, there are significant differences between urban and rural areas. For example, the average salary in Henan province is only RMB 67,200 per year.

Average Salary by Experience In China

In China, individuals possessing two to five years of work experience typically receive a salary that is 32% higher than those who are at the entry-level or junior stage. 

Employees with over five years of experience see their earnings rise by 36% compared to their less experienced counterparts. 

Salaries further increase by 21% after reaching a decade of professional experience, and professionals with more than 15 years of experience earn an additional 14% on top of that.

Average Salary by Education In China

As reported by teameedupchina.com, in 2023, graduates in China with a Master's degree start with an average monthly income of ¥13,087 RMB (approximately $1,832 USD), while those who have earned a Doctorate begin their careers with an average salary of ¥31,875 RMB (around $4,461 USD).

Legal Provisions for Employment and Wages in China

China's legal framework for employment and wages is primarily governed by the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China and the Labor Contract Law, which were enacted to protect the rights and interests of workers, regulate employment relationships, and establish a modern labor system compatible with the market economy.

1. Labor Contract Law

One of the key legal documents, the Labor Contract Law, stipulates that employers must sign written labor contracts with their employees within one month of the employment start date. This law outlines the obligations and rights of both parties and includes provisions for fixed-term contracts, open-ended contracts, and project-based or temporary contracts.

2. Minimum Wage Regulations

The minimum wage in China is set locally, rather than nationally, meaning that different provinces, municipalities, or regions may have different minimum wage standards. These rates are subject to periodic review and adjustment. Employers are required to pay wages that meet or exceed the local minimum wage and must do so in a timely manner and in full.

3. Working Hours and Overtime

The standard work system in China typically involves an 8-hour workday and a 40-hour workweek. Overtime is permitted under certain conditions but must be compensated at a higher rate. For overtime work, the pay rate should be at least 150% of the normal wage on workdays, 200% on rest days, and 300% on statutory holidays.

4. Social Insurance and Housing Fund

Chinese labor laws mandate that employers contribute to social insurance for their employees, which includes pensions, medical insurance, work-related injury insurance, unemployment insurance, and maternity insurance. Additionally, employers are required to contribute to a housing provident fund, which is designed to help employees with housing expenses.

5. Equal Employment and Anti-Discrimination

The legal framework promotes equal employment opportunities and prohibits discrimination based on nationality, race, gender, or religious beliefs. Employers are not allowed to reduce wages, dismiss employees, or enact other discriminatory practices based on these characteristics.

6. Dispute Resolution

In the event of labor disputes, the Labor Law provides mechanisms for resolution, including mediation, arbitration, and litigation. Employees have the right to bring disputes to labor arbitration committees and, if necessary, file lawsuits in the People's Republic of China's courts.

China has implemented rigorous legal standards to protect labor rights and ensure a just and ethical workplace, reflecting the country's commitment to fostering equitable employment conditions. 

Companies operating within China or those looking to outsource must follow these legal requirements to align with Chinese labor legislation and maintain ethical employment standards.

Government vs Private Sector Salary Comparison

When it comes to salaries in China, there are significant differences between sectors. Here's a look at some of the sector-specific salary information:

1. Technology and Information Sector Wages

The technology and information sector is one of the highest-paying sectors in China. According to the search results, the sector with the highest annual average salary in China is information transmission, software, and IT services, which reached RMB 220,418 (approx. US$30,824) in the non-private sector. The private sector counterparts, however, made just 56 percent of this, at an average of RMB 123,894 (approx. US$30,824).

2. Manufacturing and Construction

The manufacturing and construction sectors are also significant employers in China. According to the search results, the average salary in these sectors is around RMB 10,266 per month (approx. USD 1,430). However, it's important to note that salaries differ greatly by region, with urban areas leading in compensation.

3. Healthcare and Education

The healthcare and education sectors are also significant employers in China. According to the search results, the average salary in these sectors is around RMB 6,000 to RMB 8,000 per month (approx. USD 837 to USD 1,116). However, salaries differ greatly by region and industry.

4. Finance and Banking

The finance and banking sectors are also significant employers in China. According to the search results, the average salary in these sectors is around RMB 15,000 to RMB 20,000 per month (approx. USD 2,090 to USD 2,790).

Factors Affecting Salaries in China

When it comes to determining salaries in China, there are several factors that come into play. The following subsections will delve into two of the most significant factors that impact salaries in China: education and experience, and job titles and responsibilities.

1. Education and Experience

In China, education and experience levels are crucial factors that determine an employee's salary. Generally, employees with higher levels of education and more years of experience tend to earn higher salaries. For instance, individuals with a Ph.D. degree in a particular field are likely to earn more than those with only a high school diploma. Similarly, employees with several years of experience in their field are more likely to earn higher salaries than those just starting.

2. Job Titles and Responsibilities

Job titles and responsibilities also play a significant role in determining salaries in China. Generally, higher-level job titles with more responsibilities tend to come with higher salaries. Additionally, the industry in which you work can also impact your salary. For example, employees in the technology industry may earn more than those in the retail industry.


Wrapping up, the average salary in China has seen significant growth over the past few decades, reflecting the country's rapid economic development and urbanization. According to the latest available data, the average monthly salary varies considerably across different regions and industries, ranging from 7,410 Yuan per month (USD 1,066) to 131,000 Yuan (USD 18,842) per month. The yearly figure would be the monthly amount multiplied by 12, giving an annual average of approximately 15,620 USD.

The salary trends in China reflect a complex employment market, with different industries and job roles offering different salaries and benefits. Generally speaking, salaries in urban areas are higher than in rural areas, with cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangdong reporting the highest annual average salary in 2022.

The implications of the average salary in China for the economy and job market are significant. The growth in salaries reflects the country's economic development and increasing demand for skilled labor, particularly in high-tech industries such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and renewable energy. This trend is likely to continue in the coming years, with China's government actively promoting innovation and entrepreneurship.

How Does a China Legal Expert (Choi & Partners) Help You with Labor Law Rights?

At Choi & Partners, we are dedicated to safeguarding the rights of our clients through our deep understanding of labor laws and expertise in dispute resolution

Here's how we can assist:

At Choi & Partners, we are dedicated to safeguarding the rights of our clients through our deep understanding of labor laws and expertise in dispute resolution. Here's how we can assist:

  • Drafting, reviewing, and negotiating employment contracts: We ensure that contracts not only comply with labor laws and regulations but also incorporate vital provisions like intellectual property rights, confidentiality agreements, and non-compete clauses to protect your interests.
  • Contract reviews: We rigorously review contracts to guarantee that they contain fair and lawful terms and conditions, safeguarding your legal rights.
  • Background checks: We offer hands-on advice on conducting background checks or due diligence on potential hires, ensuring that you make informed decisions.
  • Registration assistance: We assist with necessary registrations at the Labor Bureau for both Chinese nationals and expatriates, including Hukou, visa, and Labor Bureau registrations, streamlining your legal compliance process.
  • Negotiation support: We can lead negotiations with employment agencies like FESCO and manage transfers from other enterprises, aiming for outcomes that benefit your organization.
  • Benefit package structuring: We help design benefit packages that are not only competitive but also compliant with legal standards, helping you attract and retain top talent.

At Choi & Partners, your legal assurance is our priority, and we’re here to navigate the complexities of labor law on your behalf. Feel free to contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the monthly average salary for employees in China?

The average monthly salary for employees in China varies depending on the city and industry. As of 2024, the average salary in Mainland China is above ¥350,000, which equates to ¥29,300 per month (pre-tax). However, the average salary in 38 Chinese cities was ¥10,266 RMB ($1,430) per month in Q2 2023.

How does the average hourly wage in China compare internationally?

China's average hourly wage is lower than many developed countries, such as the United States and Japan. According to the International Labour Organization, the average hourly wage in China was $3.60 USD in 2022, compared to $24.10 USD in the United States and $10.60 USD in Japan.

What is the current minimum monthly income in China?

The minimum monthly income in China varies depending on the city and province. In 2024, the minimum wage in Beijing is ¥2,800 RMB ($402 USD) per month, while in Shanghai it is ¥2,480 RMB ($356 USD) per month. However, some cities and provinces have higher minimum wages.

How much is the average salary in China when converted to US dollars?

The average salary in China varies depending on the city and industry. As of 2024, the average salary in Mainland China is above ¥350,000, which equates to approximately $50,400 USD per year (pre-tax). However, the average salary in 38 Chinese cities was $1,430 USD per month in Q2 2023.

What is the typical salary range for expatriates working in China?

The typical salary range for expatriates working in China varies depending on the industry and job position. According to the 2022 HSBC Expat Explorer Survey, the average annual salary for expatriates in China is $202,200 USD, with the highest salaries in finance and technology sectors.

How does Beijing's average monthly salary compare to other major cities in China?

Beijing's average monthly salary is higher than many other major cities in China. As of 2024, the average salary in Beijing is above ¥350,000, which is higher than the average salary in Shanghai and Guangzhou. However, the cost of living in Beijing is also higher than many other cities in China.

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