Paternity in China: Understanding Rights & Responsibilities

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June 6, 2024

If you are a new father in China, you may be wondering about your rights and options when it comes to paternity leave. Paternity in China is an important topic that affects many families, and understanding the legal and social aspects of this issue can help you make informed decisions.

In this article, we will provide an overview of paternity leave policies and benefits in China, including information on national policy and regional differences. We will also explore practical considerations for new fathers, such as how to apply for leave and what to expect during your time off.

Whether you are a Chinese citizen or an expat living in China, understanding your rights and options as a new father is essential. 

By exploring the topic of Paternity in China in depth, we hope to provide you with the knowledge and resources you need to make the most of this important time in your life.

Paternity Leave Policies in China

Paternity Leave Policies in China

If you're a new father in China, it's important to understand the legal framework regarding paternity leave. Paternity leave policies in China are governed at the municipal and provincial levels and are rooted in the larger structure of the Population and Family Planning Law. Unlike maternity leave, there is no consistent national policy on paternity leave.

Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China

The Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China outlines the legal definitions and regulations regarding paternity in China. Under this law, fathers have the right to know and establish paternity, and children have the right to know their biological parents. Family law provisions also address issues related to paternity, such as child custody and support.

All Provinces in China Support Paid Paternity Leave

All provinces in China support paid paternity leave, with the amount of time ranging from 10 to 30 days. However, paternity leave policies can vary from zero to 30 days, depending on the local population and family planning regulations. In most cases, there are no standard paternity leave policies, but "late birth" policies may be in place for fathers of children born after a certain date.

Important Note:

It's important to note that there is no statutory requirement for paternity leave on the national level in China. This means that paternity leave policies can vary widely depending on the province or municipality. If you're a new father in China, it's important to check with your employer or local government to understand your rights and options regarding paternity leave.

Establishing Paternity in China

Establishing paternity in China is an important process that can have significant legal and financial implications for parents and their children. Several procedures can be used to establish paternity, including 

  • DNA testing
  • legal documentation
  • and the role of courts.
Establishing Paternity in China

If the father is present at the birth of the child, he can sign a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity at the hospital. This document is legally binding and establishes the father's paternity without the need for further legal action. However, if the father is not present at the birth, or if there is any doubt about the father's identity, additional steps may be necessary.

Common Method for Establishing Paternity

One common method for establishing paternity in China is DNA testing. This involves collecting samples of DNA from the child, the mother, and the alleged father. The samples are then sent to a laboratory for analysis. 

If the test results show a high degree of probability that the alleged father is the biological father of the child, the court can issue an order of paternity.

Legal Documentation for Paternity In China

Legal documentation, such as a birth certificate or a notarized statement from the father, can also be used to establish paternity. However, these documents may not be as reliable as DNA testing and may not be accepted in all situations.

Responsible for Child Support

Once paternity has been established, the father can be held responsible for child support, and the child may be entitled to inheritance rights and other benefits. It is important to establish paternity as soon as possible to ensure that the child's rights are protected.

Paternity Rights and Responsibilities Explained

Once paternity is established, fathers in China have several rights and responsibilities towards their children. These include custody, visitation, child support, and other legal obligations. Here is an overview of what you can expect as a father in China.

Paternity Rights in China

As a father in China, you have the right to establish paternity and be recognized as the legal father of your child. This means that you can seek custody of your child, as well as visitation rights if you are not the primary custodian. You also have the right to be involved in important decisions regarding your child's upbringing, such as education and medical care.

Father's Responsibilities in China

Along with these rights come responsibilities. As a father in China, you are legally obligated to provide financial support for your child. This includes child support payments, as well as any other necessary expenses related to your child's upbringing. Failure to meet these obligations can result in legal consequences, such as fines or even imprisonment.

In addition to financial support, fathers in China also have a responsibility to be involved in their child's life. This means spending time with your child, attending important events and milestones, and being a positive influence in their life.

Custody and Visitation

In China, custody of a child is typically awarded to the mother, especially in cases where the child is young. However, fathers can still seek custody if they can demonstrate that it is in the best interest of the child. Visitation rights are also typically granted to non-custodial parents, including fathers.

*Read more about child custody schedules by age.

Child Support

Child support in China is typically determined based on the income of both parents, as well as the needs of the child. The amount of child support can vary depending on the circumstances of the case, but it is generally expected that both parents will contribute to the financial needs of their child.

Other Legal Obligations

Fathers in China also have other legal obligations towards their children. For example, they are responsible for ensuring that their child receives an education, and they may be held liable for any damages caused by their child. They are also obligated to report any incidents of abuse or neglect involving their child.

Social and Cultural Perspectives on Paternity

In China, paternity is viewed as an important aspect of family life and societal expectations. The traditional Chinese culture places great emphasis on family values, and paternity is seen as a way to ensure the continuation of the family line. Fathers are expected to be the primary breadwinners and to provide for their families financially.

However, with the rise of modernization and globalization, Chinese society has undergone significant changes in recent years. There has been a shift towards more egalitarian gender roles and a greater emphasis on individualism. This has led to a change in attitudes towards paternity, with many fathers now taking a more active role in child-rearing and household chores.

Social and Cultural Perspectives on Paternity

Despite these changes, traditional attitudes towards paternity persist in many parts of China. In some rural areas, for example, paternity is still seen as the sole responsibility of the father, with little involvement from the mother.

Moreover, the one-child policy that was in place for several decades has had a significant impact on attitudes towards paternity. Many families placed a great deal of pressure on their only child, particularly if it was a son, to succeed academically and financially. This has led to a culture of intense competition and high expectations, which can be stressful for both fathers and their children.

Challenges and Issues in Paternity Cases

When it comes to paternity cases in China, several challenges and issues can arise. These challenges can be difficult to navigate and can have a significant impact on the individuals involved, particularly the children and families affected by the dispute.

1. Paternity Disputes

One of the most common challenges in paternity cases is paternity disputes. In some cases, the alleged father may deny paternity, which can lead to legal battles and DNA testing to determine the biological father. This can be a lengthy and emotional process for all involved, particularly if the child is caught in the middle.

2. Reluctance to Acknowledge Paternity

Another issue that can arise in Chinese paternity cases is the reluctance to acknowledge paternity. In some cases, even if the alleged father is the biological father, he may be hesitant to acknowledge paternity due to cultural or social stigmas. This can be particularly challenging for single mothers who are seeking financial support for their children.

3. Impact on Children and Families

The impact on children and families is also a significant issue in paternity cases. Children who are caught in the middle of a paternity dispute may experience emotional distress and confusion, particularly if they are unsure of who their biological father is. Additionally, families may be torn apart by the legal battle, leading to strained relationships and financial hardship.

DNA Paternity Testing in China: Methods and Costs

DNA Paternity Testing in China: Methods and Costs

If you are looking for DNA paternity testing in China, there are a few methods and costs to consider. DNA paternity testing is a reliable way to determine the biological relationship between a father and child. It is often used in legal cases, immigration applications, and personal reasons.

Methods of DNA Paternity Testing in China

There are two main methods of DNA paternity testing in China: home testing and clinic testing. Home testing is a convenient and affordable option for those who want to collect their own samples at home. The kit is usually sent to your address, and you can collect samples by swabbing the inside of your cheek. The samples are then sent back to the laboratory for analysis. The results are usually available within a few days.

Clinic testing is another option for DNA paternity testing in China. This method involves visiting a clinic or laboratory to have your samples collected by a professional. The samples are then sent to the laboratory for analysis. The results are usually available within a few days, depending on the complexity of the case.

Cost of DNA Paternity Testing in China

The cost of DNA paternity testing in China varies depending on the method and the complexity of the case. Home testing is usually the most affordable option, with prices ranging from ¥1,000 to ¥3,000. Clinic testing is usually more expensive, with prices ranging from ¥3,000 to ¥10,000 or more.

It is important to note that the cost of DNA paternity testing in China may also vary depending on the laboratory or clinic you choose. It is recommended to compare prices and services before making a decision.


In conclusion, understanding paternity issues in China is crucial for parents and children alike. The Chinese Civil Code, which entered into force in early 2021, brought significant changes to the paternity system. The Marriage and Family Book now included in Volume V of the new code, is particularly relevant to paternity issues, with Article 1073 being a guiding provision.

The legal system for determining paternity was adopted into the Civil Code and quickly gained recognition. It includes presumption, claim, and denial of the parent-child relationship. The parentage presumption in China involves both legal and factual presumptions. However, the interpretation of the legal system of parentage requires drawing on practice, customs, and laws.

It is important to seek legal advice if you are facing any paternity issues in China. A legal firm such as Choi & Partners can provide expert guidance on paternity issues and help you understand your rights and responsibilities.

Don't hesitate to stay informed about any updates or changes in the paternity laws in China. Keep in mind that paternity issues can have a significant impact on the lives of parents and children, and it is important to handle them with care and attention.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How is paternity established in China?

In China, paternity can be established through a DNA test. The test is conducted by collecting samples from the alleged father and the child. The samples are then sent to a laboratory for analysis. The results of the test can be used as evidence in court to establish paternity.

What are the legal rights of fathers in China?

Fathers in China have legal rights to custody and visitation of their children. They also have the right to participate in important decisions related to their children's upbringing, such as education and medical treatment. However, the laws in China favor the mother in custody disputes, especially for children under the age of seven.

How much does a paternity test cost in China?

The cost of a paternity test in China can vary depending on the laboratory and the type of test. Home paternity tests can cost around 1,000 RMB, while legal paternity tests can cost up to 5,000 RMB or more.

Is there paternity leave in China?

Yes, there is paternity leave in China. Fathers are entitled to paternity leave of at least 15 days after the birth of their child. The leave can be taken within 30 days of the birth and can be extended in some cases.

What is the pregnancy law in China?

The pregnancy law in China prohibits discrimination against pregnant women in the workplace. Employers are required to provide pregnant employees with a safe working environment and to allow them to take time off for prenatal care. Pregnant employees are also entitled to maternity leave.

What is the maternity benefit in China?

The maternity benefit in China includes paid maternity leave, medical care, and job protection. Employers are required to provide female employees with at least 98 days of maternity leave, with an additional 15 days for women who have complications during childbirth. During the leave, the employee is entitled to receive at least 80% of her salary.

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