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China Food Safety Law: 2024 Guide

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Published on
July 9, 2024

If you want to learn about China's Food Safety Law, you've come to the right place. Food safety has been a major issue in China, with several incidents causing public concern. In response, the Chinese government has created rules to make sure food is safe to eat.

Food safety is important everywhere because unsafe food can cause illness and death. China's Food Safety Law is a detailed set of rules to keep food safe from production to consumption.

In this article, we will explain China's Food Safety Law, its key points, and how it is enforced. We will also look at how the law affects consumers, food producers, and the public. By the end, you will understand why this law is important for food safety.

Overview of China’s Food Safety Law

If you are interested in learning about China's food safety laws, you have come to the right place. This section will provide you with a general overview of the Food Safety Law in China, including its origins, evolution, purpose, and scope.

Origins and Evolution

The Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China was first enacted in 2009 by the National People's Congress. Since then, the law has undergone several major amendments, including in 2015 and 2018. The latest revision of the law came into effect on April 29, 2021.

Major Amendments: 2009, 2015, and 2018

The 2009 Food Safety Law was the first comprehensive law on food safety in China. It aimed to establish a food safety regulatory system that would ensure the safety and health of consumers. The law covered a wide range of food safety issues, including food production, processing, distribution, and sales.

2015 Amendment of China’s Food Safety Law

The 2015 amendment to the Food Safety Law strengthened the regulation of food safety in China. It introduced new provisions on the supervision and management of food safety, including stricter penalties for food safety violations. The amendment also established a traceability system for food products, which requires food producers and distributors to keep records of their products.

2018 Amendment of China’s Food Safety Law

The 2018 amendment to the Food Safety Law further strengthened the regulation of food safety in China. It introduced new provisions on the supervision and management of food additives, as well as new requirements for food labeling and advertising.

Purpose and Scope of China's Food Safety Law

The purpose of China's Food Safety Law is to ensure the safety and health of consumers by regulating the production, processing, distribution, and sales of food products. The law covers a wide range of food safety issues, including food additives, food labeling, food advertising, and food import and export.

The scope of the law is broad, covering all food products produced and sold in China. The law applies to both domestic and imported food products, and it applies to all food producers, processors, distributors, and sellers.

Framework of the Food Safety Law

Framework of the Food Safety Law

The Food Safety Law of China was revised in 2015 to promote social co-governance and industry self-discipline. The law sets out the basic legal framework for food safety supervision and management in China. This section will provide an overview of the general provisions, regulatory bodies, and food production and operation regulations under the Food Safety Law.

General Provisions

The general provisions of the Food Safety Law outline the basic principles and objectives of the law. The law aims to ensure the safety and hygiene of food, protect the health of consumers, and promote the development of the food industry. The law also emphasizes the importance of risk prevention and control, and the need for a coordinated and comprehensive approach to food safety.

Regulatory Bodies

The Food Safety Law establishes several regulatory bodies responsible for overseeing food safety in China. The State Council is the highest authority in charge of food safety, while the Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) is the main regulatory body responsible for implementing food safety regulations. 

The Food Safety Commission of the State Council is responsible for coordinating the work of various government agencies involved in food safety, and for formulating national food safety standards.

Food Production and Operation

The Food Safety Law sets out regulations for food production and operation, including requirements for food safety management systems, food labeling, and food additives. The law also establishes penalties for violations of food safety regulations, including fines and criminal sanctions.

Food Safety Standards and Regulations in China

When it comes to food safety in China, there are several regulations and standards in place to ensure the quality and safety of food products. Here are some of the key standards and regulations you should be aware of:

National Food Safety Standards

The National Food Safety Standards are a set of standards developed by the Chinese government to ensure the safety and quality of food products. These standards cover a wide range of food products, including meat, dairy, seafood, and processed foods. The standards are regularly updated to reflect changes in the food industry and advancements in food safety technology.

Compulsory Standards and Guidelines

In addition to the National Food Safety Standards, there are also compulsory standards and guidelines that food producers and manufacturers must adhere to. These standards cover everything from food additives to labeling requirements. Failure to comply with these standards can result in fines, product recalls, and even criminal charges.

Food Additives and Labels

Food additives are substances that are added to food products to enhance their flavor, texture, or appearance. In China, food additives are strictly regulated, and only those that have been approved by the government can be used in food products. Additionally, all food products must be labeled with information about their ingredients, nutritional value, and production date.

Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement

To ensure food safety in China, the government has established a comprehensive regulatory compliance and enforcement system. This system includes a licensing and permit system, inspection and monitoring, as well as violations and penalties.

Licensing and Permit System

The licensing and permit system is an essential component of the regulatory compliance and enforcement system. The system requires all food businesses to obtain a license or permit before they can operate legally. The licensing and permit system is designed to ensure that food businesses comply with the regulations and standards set by the government.

Inspection and Monitoring

Inspection and monitoring are crucial to ensure that food businesses comply with the regulations and standards set by the government. The government conducts regular inspections of food businesses to ensure that they are complying with the regulations and standards. 

The inspections are conducted by food inspectors who are trained to identify potential food safety hazards.

Violations and Penalties

Food safety violations are taken seriously in China, and the government has put in place strict penalties for businesses that violate the regulations and standards. The penalties can range from fines to imprisonment, depending on the severity of the violation.

In addition to penalties, the government can also revoke licenses or permits, shut down businesses, and confiscate products.

Food Safety Management and Quality Supervision

Food Safety Management and Quality Supervision

Ensuring food safety in China involves a complex system of laws, regulations, and institutions. The Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China (FSL) is the primary legislation governing food safety. The law defines the responsibilities of the government, food producers, and consumers in ensuring food safety. The FSL requires the establishment of a food safety management and quality supervision system to monitor and regulate food safety.

Risk Monitoring and Prevention

To prevent food safety risks, the Chinese government has established a comprehensive risk monitoring and prevention system. The system involves monitoring food production, processing, distribution, and consumption to identify potential risks. 

The government conducts regular inspections of food businesses and tests food samples to ensure compliance with safety standards. The government also works with industry associations and research institutions to develop new safety standards and technologies.

Food Recall Procedures

In the event of a food safety incident, the government has established procedures for food recalls. The FSL requires food producers and distributors to establish recall plans and to report any safety incidents to the government. 

The government has the authority to order a recall of unsafe food products and to impose penalties on businesses that fail to comply. The government also works with the media to inform the public about food safety incidents and recalls.

Role of Industry and Commerce

The food industry and commerce play a critical role in ensuring food safety in China. The FSL requires food producers and distributors to establish a food safety management system and to ensure that their products meet safety standards. The government works with industry associations to develop new safety standards and to provide training and education to businesses. 

The government also encourages consumer participation in food safety by providing information on food safety and encouraging consumers to report safety incidents.

Import and Export Regulations in China

When it comes to importing and exporting food products in China, there are several regulations that you need to be aware of. In this section, we will discuss the key regulations that you need to know about.

International Trade and Food Safety

The Chinese government has been taking steps to ensure the safety of imported food products. In 2015, the Chinese government passed the Food Safety Law, which outlines the requirements for food safety in China. The law covers all aspects of food production, distribution, and sales, and it applies to both domestic and imported food products.

Exporters and Importers Compliance

If you export or import food products in China, you must follow the rules set by the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC). The GACC oversees the import and export of food products.

Exporters must follow GACC rules, which include labeling, quarantine, and inspection of products. They must also register with the GACC and file necessary records.

Importers must also follow GACC rules. They need to register with the GACC, file records, and ensure that the food products they bring in meet Chinese food safety standards.

Belt and Road Initiative

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a development plan by the Chinese government to boost connectivity and cooperation between countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa. The BRI aims to foster economic growth and partnerships among these countries.

As part of the BRI, China is enhancing the safety of imported food products. China is also improving the efficiency of customs clearance for these imports. This will make it easier for exporters to send food products to China and for importers to bring food products from China.

Public Health and Consumer Protection

Public Health and Consumer Protection

Food-Related Diseases and Contamination

Under the China Food Safety Law, public health is a top priority. This law aims to ensure that all food products are safe for consumption and that they do not cause any harm to the public. The law requires that all food products must meet certain safety standards before they can be sold in the market.

Food-related diseases and contamination are common in China, and they pose a serious threat to public health. The government is taking steps to address these issues by implementing strict regulations and guidelines. The China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) is responsible for enforcing these regulations and guidelines.

The CFDA has established a system for monitoring and reporting food-related diseases and contamination. This system allows the government to quickly identify and respond to any outbreaks or incidents of food-related diseases and contamination.

Consumer Rights and Education

Under the China Food Safety Law, public health is a top priority. This law ensures that all food products are safe to eat and do not harm the public. All food products must meet safety standards before being sold.

Food-related diseases and contamination are common in China and pose a serious health risk. To address these issues, the government has implemented strict regulations and guidelines. The China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) enforces these rules.

The CFDA has set up a system to monitor and report food-related diseases and contamination. This system helps the government quickly identify and respond to outbreaks or incidents.

Global Influence and Cooperation

China has been actively seeking to increase its global influence in food safety and governance. As a result, it has entered into partnerships with various organizations and countries to achieve this goal. In this section, we will explore China's partnerships with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Food and Agriculture Organization Partnerships

Since August 2019, China has held the director-generalship of the FAO, giving it a key role in shaping global food safety policies. The FAO is a UN agency focused on defeating hunger and improving nutrition and food security. China's partnership with the FAO allows it to share its food safety expertise with other countries, especially developing ones.

China is also working with the FAO to create a global food safety governance system. This system aims to improve food safety and quality through international cooperation and information sharing. China actively participates in the FAO's food safety conferences and helps develop global food safety standards.


In conclusion, understanding the China Food Safety Law is crucial for anyone involved in the food industry. The law ensures that all food products meet safety standards to protect public health. Given the complexities and strict regulations, it's important to stay informed and compliant. 

For expert guidance and to navigate these regulations smoothly, we recommend seeking professional advice from Choi & Partners. They can provide the support you need to ensure your food products meet all necessary safety standards. Contact Choi & Partners for reliable legal help and peace of mind.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the food safety Act in China?

The food safety Act in China is the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China. It was promulgated in 2009 and has been amended several times since then, with the latest revision entering into force on April 29, 2021. The law aims to ensure food safety and safeguard the physical health and life safety of the public.

What is the product safety law in China?

The product safety law in China is the Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China. It was promulgated in 1993 and has been amended several times since then, with the latest revision entering into force on January 1, 2021. The law aims to ensure product quality and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

What is the food policy in China?

The food policy in China is a set of guidelines and regulations that govern the production, processing, distribution, and consumption of food in the country. The policy aims to ensure food safety, promote healthy eating habits, and support sustainable agriculture and rural development.

What is the food waste law in China?

The food waste law in China is the Law on the Prevention and Control of Solid Waste Pollution. It was promulgated in 2020 and aims to reduce food waste and promote sustainable consumption. The law requires food service providers to take measures to reduce food waste, and prohibits them from compelling customers to order excessive amounts of food.

What is the health policy of China?

The health policy of China is a set of guidelines and regulations that govern the provision of healthcare services in the country. The policy aims to ensure universal access to basic healthcare services, improve the quality of healthcare services, and promote public health. It is implemented through a national health insurance system, public health campaigns, and other measures.

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